7 Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog

7 most effective ways to promote your blog

You’re doing your blog promotion wrongly!

If you share the blog post on social media and wait to see the magic happens. 

But wait!! There is hope.

Getting thousands of likes, comments, and shares in just one click of publishing is not going to happen; for that, you need to be a celebrity. 

You need a clear strategic plan to promote your blog’s content to make people recognize your blog and increase traffic. 

I’ve here concluded the easiest and most accessible ways to promote your blog and start getting traffic within a quick time.

But… You need to be consistent in order to get the result. Let’s check out the 7 ways to promote your blog.

1. Check the SEO of Your Blog

check the SEO of your blog

SEO is a valuable strategy to promote your blog. The first step you can make towards getting traffic is to check out your blog’s SEO. As optimizing SEO is not a simple or one step, you can start by posting quality content and posting frequently or just adding simple things such as meta descriptions to pages. 

Some other essential tasks for SEO optimization include:

  • Keyword research and learn to incorporate them into your content
  • Enriching quality links to your website
  • Increasing website speed & internal linking

These are quick check out, but there’s a lot to explore in SEO optimization. Undoubtedly, boosting your blog’s SEO increases the organic research engine ranking and drives traffic to your blog.

People who find your content engaging, scannable, and organized would be more likely to stay on your blog and value sharing it with their fellows.

2. Share your blog on social media

share your blog on social media

Social media is the best platform to find your target audience to boost your blog’s traffic. When you are done with quality content, sharing your blog on social media can increase traffic. We recommend you utilize all the popular networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. These  

Building a solid social media presence requires a passage of time. Keep ensuring that you don’t post the swipe-up links to your content; instead, post the link with engaging hooks that make readers want more and compel them to click the link.

These social media products help you to find your audience and then take them to your blog. Even if you don’t link your website content on social media posts and build an audience, they’ll eventually visit your blog to know more about your product and service.

3. YouTube & Repurposing your Content

Repurposing your content means presenting your blog post into another form of content. For instance, you can utilize the written work in the video form for YouTube, an infographic, a SlideShare, or a podcast. 

Don’t underestimate the worth of YouTube in promoting your blog. You can make your YouTube content from the blog post you’ve already posted, but don’t just copy-paste the whole thing A to Z. use your different sorts of content, such as newsletters, eBooks, and different blog posts, and make brand new content for your YouTube.

CTA’s also play a crucial role in generating leads; include a call-to-action button in your video with the link back to your website so the user may know where they need to go. This way, repurposing your blog post helps boost your blog’s traffic.

4. Guest Posts

Guest posting is another technique to boost your blog’s traffic. Put simply? Guest posting requires you to create content for other popular blogs in your niche and get a backlink to your website. 

Although it’s an old marketing technique, getting people from blog posts to your blog is not easy. Creating some high-quality guest blog posts in a row is also hectic. You need to hire a team of content writers to take the load off you. All while you can outreach the other famous bloggers in your niche.

This will also help you get familiar with famous bloggers, and they’ll start recognizing you. You’ll find a community of yours that’s beneficial to promote your blog. 

5. The Newsletters

Newsletters are a compelling way to promote your blog posts, but for that, you need to build a list of subscribers from the high-quality content you posted already and are ready to post.  

For more email subscriptions, provide an easy way to sign up for your newsletter and an excellent reason to join your list. Offer the value so that they want to get notified when you post new content quickly.

 For many bloggers, the most straightforward format or layout for a newsletter works best. A quick intro and a link to your blog post are enough to go. But don’t forget to ask them to like, comment, and share your post with their friends and fellow.

6. Answers on Quora

Answering on Quora is another good way to get your blog out there. Quora is a public Question-Answer platform with around 300 million active users sharing their queries and finding solutions. Have you ever searched on Quora? Numerous folks are waiting for the right solution to their query.

answers on Quora

Search your niche and answer these questions in their comment section. Answering the Quora question can drive traffic to the new blogs. Make a habit of going on Quora daily and help people promote your blog indirectly. 

Don’t post a link to your blog post in the comment, instead try to provide an effective solution and keep the URL of your blog on your profile and let the readers find more themselves.

7. Comment on Other Related Blogs

One of the most used blog promotion tactics is commenting on your niche’s top blog. When you start practicing commenting on others’ blogs, you’ll get the attention of other readers and even the blog owner, in that case; they check your blog.

Don’t post just the link to the blog post, as it’ll be considered spamming. Instead, write an informative answer or suggestion concerning the blog post and keep the link to your blog inside your name.

 If readers find your comment interesting and informative, they’ll not only check out the blog, they might even leave a comment as well, or you can also get the invitation from the blog owner to write a guest post for his blog.

Final Thoughts: 7 Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog

Even when you write a great blog post, you still need to promote your blog to get your content visibility. This doesn’t happen overnight, to grow your blog and convert more customers you need a solid promotion plan.

First thing first, you need a proper domain name and a valuable hosting company. Don’t delay; sign up for the Hostinger’s best plan immediately, which costs $3.99/month and a free domain name.

Then, follow these 7 effective methods to promote your blog in the best possible ways. You can also check out my 7-step easy guide to start your own blog in just 60-mints.

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